52 week Range -

KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals Inc: Stock Chart

No Headlines or description can be found in our database for this stock ticker symbol. Typically, when a stock ticker symbol changes it is because it merges or is being acquired by another public company. A ticker symbol might also change if the company is late with filing the quarterly filings with the SEC. This is normally shown by adding an E on the end. The E means they are delinquent in filings. If a company were to go bankrupt it would add a Q at the end of the symbol. If a company were to just IPO is might have a D on the end. Please keep in mind too that some indexes and funds might simply just not have a corporate description. It could also mean the stock was de-listed to a lower over the counter exchange.

I own shares in a company that just got delisted - Now what?

Major exchanges only allow companies to be listed that meet certain trading criteria. This can be things such as a certain number of shareholders or a minimum volume requirement. When a company gets delisted it has two options. It will appear as an OTCBB or pink sheet company. The OTCBB is reserved for companies that are currently up to date with financial filing if they are not up to date they will normally appear as a Pink Sheet listed company. The Pink Sheets is the least regulated market possible for a public company. Please always proceed with caution when investing in these speculative listed companies.

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